Providence Financial Solutions


Designed with you in mind


See the coverages you need and the ones you don't

The only person who will take care of the older person you will someday be – is the younger person you are now.” – Unknown.

Insurance is defined as “a means of guaranteeing protection or safety.” 

Insurance is one of the oldest business practices and dates back over 3000 years.

Most people have different types of insurance to protect themselves and their families in unexpected situations.

Some types of Insurance:

  • Health
  • Auto
  • Life
  • Renters / Home Owners
  • Disability

The only person who will take care of the older person you will someday be – is the younger person you are now.” – Unknown.

Insurance is defined as “a means of guaranteeing protection or safety.” 

Insurance is one of the oldest business practices and dates back over 3000 years.

Most people have different types of insurance to protect themselves and their families in unexpected situations.

Some types of Insurance:

  • Health
  • Auto
  • Life
  • Renters / Home Owners
  • Disability

“Insurance is a friend you don’t really like or want but can’t afford to get rid of.” — Bradford McCrea

Let us make this very clear:


Understanding this will allow you to build wealth with as little risk as possible.


  • Without health insurance, you will not be able to afford many medical expenses.
  • Without life insurance, your income is at risk if you die.
  • If you have a car accident you could end up paying thousands of dollars in liabilities.
  • If you suddenly become disabled, you will still need a way to generate an income.

The purpose of insurance is to transfer risk away from you when unexpected life events happen.

Video courtesy of Investopedia

“Insurance is a friend you don’t really like or want but can’t afford to get rid of.” — Bradford McCrea

Video courtesy of Investopedia

The purpose of insurance is to transfer risk away from you when unexpected life events happen.

Let us make this very clear:


Understanding this will allow you to build wealth with as little risk as possible.


  • Without health insurance, you will not be able to afford many medical expenses.
  • Without life insurance, your income is at risk if you die.
  • If you have a car accident you could end up paying thousands of dollars in liabilities.
  • If you suddenly become disabled, you will still need a way to generate an income.

“”Life insurance has one job: It replaces your income when you die.” — Dave Ramsey

Life insurance options

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Term life insurance is a policy that you pay for the life of the term. A term is simply the amount of years the policy is for.

A whole life policy is life insurance you pay for your whole life. It is designed as an investment account wrapped inside of an insurance policy.

The key difference between the two is that term insurance has no cash value unless you die during the term. Whole life builds cash value (like an investment) indefinitely.

We recommend term insurance equal to 10 years of income for our clients.

You pay a lot less in premiums and can use the extra money to make actual investments!

The purpose of life insurance is to replace your income if you die. It should not be used as an investment.

Read more here

What is an HSA?

An HSA is a Health Savings Account that allows you to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses.

It is designed to allow people to lower their provider healthcare premiums so they can build up a nest egg for future medical expenses.


  • Uses pre-tax dollars to pay for out of pocket expenses.
  • You can pay for co-pays and other out-of-pocket medical expenses with an HSA (keeps more money in your pocket).
  • Your deductible is higher than with traditional plans because the HSA offsets your out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Money in HSAs can grow just like retirement accounts through mutual funds.
  • Instead of use-it-or-lose-it medical plans, funds in HSAs roll over each year.

insure your financial future

Insurance is the glue that holds your entire financial future together.

In fact, the entire financial world is built on this principle.

That is what makes people financially successful; they make sure their assets are well protected.

Book a session today with a financial coach to make sure you have the right coverages to “insure” your future.

insure your financial future

Insurance is the glue that holds your entire financial future together.

In fact, the entire financial world is built on this principle.

That is what makes people financially successful; they make sure their assets are well protected.

Book a session today with a financial coach to make sure you have the right coverages to “insure” your future.

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